I (25m) ask this bc I’ve been having some difficulty with an old classmate (23f) I was seeing back in February.

Even though I never explicitly said “Do you want to go on a date with me?” it was pretty obvious. It all started when I posted a meme on my IG story about a Star Wars related date (We’re both SW fans) and she responded saying “that sounds like a dream date” which eventually snowballed into me asking if she wanted to grab coffee sometime. We had a great time and on our second date I paid for dinner and we bonded over loving a lot of the same music on the car road home (mostly jazz) so when I asked her out on our third that same night she suggested we go to a jazz club together.

That week she ended up canceling bc work supposedly got overwhelming, and while we agreed to reschedule… things changed. She got much more dry over text, stopped liking my posts on IG, and eventually we stopped talking altogether. I kinda assumed it was all over until exactly one month after she canceled our date, she texts me saying sorry she’s had no free time lately and asks how I’ve been.

Eventually, she told me that she’s starting a job as a temporary dance instructor at the school I teach at (This job was offered to her while we were still seeing each other, but my co-worker and I assumed she wouldn’t take it after she faded out) and suggested we meet up sometime. I said sure if I had the time (I have two jobs and she was only there once a week) and without me asking she sent me her entire schedule. We made a few separate attempts to try and arrange to meet up but they didn’t pan out, one of us always ended up not being able to make the date the other one proposed. Eventually, we saw the school play together and she suggested we get dinner before (By this point it had been two months since we had seen each other in-person)

We had an ok time but it wasn’t anything like it used to be. We used to be able to talk non-stop without a dull moment. And sometimes it was like that… other times it was a little more forced, and some points were just seconds of awkward silence. At the end of the night she said it was good to see me but didn’t suggest meeting up again, so I was pretty sure the whole thing was just over.

I didn’t reach out to her for ten days, then I decided to text her asking if she wanted to go to a jazz club together (going back to that date that never happened) and she said she’d love to, so we’re doing that in a few weeks. But now I’m wondering… with where we’re at… are we going as just friends, or is this still a date? I don’t know anymore. She never said she just wanted to be friends, but at the same time, our chemistry doesn’t feel the same way it used to. So I kinda have two questions: Does it sound like she’s still interested, and if you were in her shoes, would you tell the guy that you only wanted to see each other as friends?

  1. I mean I’d probably say hey you’re great but we’re just not on the same page romantically? Don’t think Id straight up ask to just friends at age 23 / 25 but it’s hard to say what her intentions are.

  2. How many times are you gonna post and ask advice for the same damn situation?

  3. Move on and stop orbiting around her or just ask her directly how she feels, communication my friend do it.

  4. I did. It’s 6 years later, we’re still friends, and I’m actually on my way to meet him at the pub

  5. So she never said she wants to just be friends but it sounds like there was never any indication you were hanging out as anything more than friends.

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