I just need to vent because letting all of this stew in my head is not good.

I (25M) attended a singles event last night, this is a new thing in my city and the girls that run the company are very dedicated to it. This was their second event, I attended the first one and got a girls number but she never responded when I texted her, I honestly didn’t care about that because I think she was there just for fun and didn’t have any goals.

But last night was a mess for me. I approached numerous girls last night and got shut down every damn time. Most of the time it was instantaneous like you could tell by the way they talked and their body language they wanted no parts. I even saw a girl I knew from college and she shut me down in kind of a rude way but whatever. That one stung to me a little because she’s always posting on instagram how she wants to find love and all of that but then doesn’t give any guy she was talking to a chance. It definitely shows how people portray themselves on social media is not the same how they really are (different rant for a different day).

As for all the other approaches I have no idea what I’m doing wrong, I think my approaches are fine, I usually start off by just introducing myself or a funny compliment but I wouldn’t get anything back.

I thought I was going to have good success last night and come out with at least promising prospect. I literally have been working on myself so much. I dress nice and have been going to therapy for about a month. I’ve been more social and have been cold approaching through my daily life but all this work for absolutely nothing. I’ve gained so much confidence through therapy and friends but nights like last night suck. I’m about average with looks but looks aren’t everything right??? Even then I don’t think it’s my looks what’s the problem, because I was talking to all ranges of girls and they all shut me down. I have no idea what I’m doing wrong.

I’m just so fed up this, I live alone, all my friends are either married or engaged my parents are getting old and they want grandkids. I have a good job, and own a house and the whole other 9 yards of a good life except the missing piece of having a loving partner. This is so frustrating, but I refuse to give up.

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