I am looking more for insight on the phenomenon that people tout where they say that men will sleep with “anything” and that plus size is lower standard, so that explains why they will sleep with them, but not date them. I don’t really believe that a man would sleep with a woman if they were not attracted to them at some level physically (however you get there, ex. personality made them attractive, etc). Whenever I look for threads on this topic people just talk about higher standards for their personal status or whatever but I am still stuck on the sleeping with part. Do men who have done this actually not feel attracted? I don’t know the feeling of wanting sex with someone I am disgusted by.. I mean I understand not being at the pinnacle of attraction with someone but not no attraction. Can someone who has or would have sex with plus size women and date, or has or would have sex with plus size women and not date, explain how you are able to have sex if you are not attracted, or explain how that attraction is different than you would for someone who is smaller than plus size?

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