We’ve been together for 5 years..and have a wonderful 8month boy together and well dad is no longer talking to me.

He is upset cause I didn’t have the car seat (he had it from when he took our son out) to run to the store to get stuff I needed for dinner so I told him he would have to cook dinner since I couldn’t go anywhere and what I was planning on was going to take 2 hours to prepare and have ready. Want to mention- Our son is still in the infant car seat and it’s easily removed.

He hasn’t talked to me since Tuesday(it’s Saturday) because I don’t respect that he gets up 2 hours before me for work, works all day and doesn’t want to come home to cook. Mention-I work a full time job at home so we don’t do daycare.. I’m a mom while working full time.. so two full time jobs. And on top of that I can no longer ask him to cook dinner.

This is the second time we’ve had this exact argument. But what should I do? I don’t really feel bad since he goes to the gym for an hour and half after work each day but that’s not as draining as cooking dinner? I tried apologizing today but he has no interest in accepting it. We haven’t even slept in the same bed since this started.

Lastly, we weren’t arguing before this. Nothing was wrong and we were having a great day. I didn’t come on strong when telling him he’d have to cook dinner either so this feels very out of left field for him to be THIS upset.

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