This may be long, however I could use all the help I can get.

I am suffering emotionally, mentally and physically. I have relapsed with my eating disorder and I have lost far too much weight. I am trying extremely hard to work through therapy and better myself. This is all stemming from my relationship.

I was dating this guy for almost 8 months. In the beginning it was wonderful, I loved him with everything I had. In February he broke up with me because I had blocked him from my Instagram story after an argument we had. I posted a pic of me in a swimsuit and he became enraged saying it was wrong of me to post myself like that. I wasn’t being provocative at all.
After this, we had been on and off until March when I went over to his house. We had been talking, things were starting to go back to normal. When we hooked up, he had asked me if I finished. Impulsively, I said “yes” but I didn’t. I came back from the bathroom I admitted that I hadn’t and he was angry, he started calling me a liar and “how could you lie about something like that”. I told him I was sorry and embarrassed that I didn’t finish, I told him we could talk in the morning. The next day he became enraged when he brought it up, saying I would never change, that I am such a liar, this and that. I never lied to him about anything in our relationship, I was completely honest and loyal. I never understood why he was so mad and accusing me of lying so badly to him? He ended up yelling and backing me into a corner, physically shaking. I told him I had to leave. That night I did something stupid, I posted on an anonymous thing saying it was better to be single than with a psychopath. He saw it and immediately figured out it was me.
He ended everything over text saying I would never change and he didn’t want to be apart of my lies anymore?
A week later he texts me saying he is going to Miami and that he has no intentions with other women, he also says that he has something for me when he gets back. It was spring break so I went to florida at this time too. We talked very shortly over the trip and then he ghosted me.
I have been ghosted for over a month and a half now.
Nothing, no check ins. I felt like tossed out like trash. I still do. I had put my all into this relationship to make it work.
He continues to talk to my little brother randomly, my little brother has no idea why.
A few days ago, he texted my brother saying something very random. My brother disregarded it and didn’t respond. Then we see that he has flown out to the girl he had told me never to worry about. That she was “just a friend” who he had hooked up with once years ago and said he wouldn’t again. I am sincerely crushed. I can’t do anything without thinking about what is going on over there. Miles away. I know it’s over, I just never thought my worst fear would come true. I had intense worry about her in the beginning. He would make up plenty of excuses to be able to still talk to her after I expressed I was uncomfortable. I just want my stuff back at this point. I don’t know when he comes back. I don’t know why he still talks to my little brother. He continues to like all of my posts on all social medias. He still even has it where it says he is in a relationship with me on Facebook. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what is happening. I feel as if he has always wanted to get rid of me to eventually be with her.
Please help me.

I am suffering through a break up that has left me with many questions. I have been ghosted for over a month and recently saw he flew out to Florida to visit the girl he told me to never worry about and was “just a friend”. Even when they’ve had sex in the past. He still follows me on everything, likes all of my posts and keeps that we are in a relationship on his fb. He also still talks to my little brother. I want my stuff back and I want closure. I need advice, I don’t know where to go from here.

  1. Both you and your brother need to block this man. Stop letting him live rent free in your brain.

  2. His behaviour is controlling and abusive – no wonder he can still get in your head. It’s not your fault, it’s a tactic he’s honed. I reckon you dodged a bullet getting away from him. Keep going n stay strong

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