He had told me the other day that he’s in a funk and it’s understandable considering his business is not doing the best it could be and he is very unhappy with how he looks (he gained love weight while I kept my figure). The relationship has been off (our sex life has drastically declined from sex everyday to once a week one and done). I’ve tried to be as caring and attentive as I can be for him but it almost feels like it’s not making a difference. We are normally very in love laughing all the time, but it’s gotten a little forced these last few days. i want to try to save it and see if there’s any way i can bring him out of this funk. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I’m positive this is a depression thing and i just really want to help before he loses himself completely.

TLDR my boyfriend is depressed and our relationship is starting to suffer what should i do

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