TL;DR; I am afraid that divorcing my wife would kill her inside and break all her projects, but I am tired of arguing all the time. Should I separate without breaking the mariage so she can at least complete her immigration?

I’ve been 4 years in a relationship with my wife. We married last year to help her with immigration. She helped me raise my numerous kids for 4 years. Sadly, this relationship is hard – you can see my other posts – and I feel like I’m still only married with her to help her getting residency status in my country.

She speaks to me like I’m psychologically sick, and feel the same about her, and deep inside me I don’t think it’s safe to pursue this relationship, even if she brings me a lot of things. We made a lot of friends as she always meets and keep contact with a lot of people.

But I worry so much about my relationship with her that I’m at 20-30% of my normal potential at work, and I am very exhausted with the kids. I’ve been in therapy for 3 years now, and even if I’m more relax during our arguments, I’m still tired and lost right now.

I just turned 40 years old recently and refuse to stay in an unhealthy relationship anymore.
I fear that divorcing her would kill her inside and break all her projects, yet I am tired of arguing all the time.

Should I separate without breaking the mariage so she can at least complete her immigration? Or should I divorce?

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