I’ve always had a higher than average libido. I suffer from mental illness and for a loooong time one of my coping mechanisms was risky sex and hypersexuality. My symptoms have become a lot more manageable throughout the year and I’m in a healthy relationship for the first time in maybe ever which has ended the risky sex stuff. I can’t shake the hypersexuality though.

I’m constantly horny. All the time. I masturbate at minimum once a day, but usually closer to 2 or 3 times. On days when I’m alone and have no obligations it’s gotten up to 10. I’ve tried distracting myself, physical exercise, other activities etc and nothing seems to work. Once I’m horny I’m horny. If I’m unable to get release I become incredibly agitated and snappy and grumpy, which isn’t a fun time for me or anyone else.

My partner doesn’t like how much I masturbate and doesn’t think it’s good for my health. I kind of brushed that off at first but I’m starting to agree with him. Sometimes he tries to get me to not and suggests other activities but it always ends in me being so sexually frustrated that I can’t deal with it and start crying. I don’t want to be seen as manipulative, I just can’t control my emotions.

I have the mirena IUD, not sure if that can be increasing my libido. I’m so close to going to my doctor and asking for meds to help but I really don’t want to change my birth control and I can’t take antidepressants. I don’t know what other options there are.

Please, if anyone has advice I need it desperately. I’m at my wits end and idk how much longer I can deal with this.

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