We went out for the first time, we had a nice walk/talk and I really wanted to kiss him to but he asked for it and i don’t know I just feel like it breaks the moment. After that I just kept overthinking the whole situation and next thing I know he tries to do it and my immediate reaction was to pull my head away. Is there any way to save this? I noticed a change in his attitude. I can tell he felt uncomfortable and we haven’t really chatted after that.

  1. I would text him, apologize that I was kind of nervous and didn’t know what to say and how to react.

  2. well it’s kinda awkward that he asked for it and then didn’t actually wait for your response before initiating 😛 I agree with the other comment, explain the situation to him, this doesn’t have to be a dead end

  3. Leave him. He tried to force kiss you. Sounds like a case of kiss raping to me.

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