Like just do it at this point???

My (26f) husband (42m) is sucking the life out of me. After every single argument he brings up divorce. Or accuses me of cheating. Or both.

We have been together for almost 7 years. Married for almost 2.

The other night he came home and I didn’t clean the kitchen up yet. I just got the babies to sleep like 20 minites prior to him getting home so i just didnt get a chance. He accused me of leaving our children with a sitter all day and going out to do idek what and that’s why it was a mess and I need to do better.

Nope I worked a double the day before and just chilled and spent quality time with our kids. Btw I did clean all of the bedrooms in our apartment. I just l left the kitchen a mess because I was tired and it was kinda bad and I felt overwhelmed. I felt like my time would be better used in that moment if I used it to take my kids on a nice evening walk.

So fast forward to him just digging into me soooo hard and intentionally pushing me until I just flipped! And I told him I could not stand him. Now he tells me he can’t be with me. He can’t be with some one who cannot stand him and I have hurt him so deep and I’ve destroyed our relationship because I’ve attacked him and his manhood. (The manhood thing is a long story to explain that tracks back to an older fight.) And he wants a divorce. He doesn’t want us to separate. Just divorce. Cause *apparently* that won’t fuck our kids up. It’s just ridiculous.

I’m just so tired of being told he does not want to be with me. I’m so tired of being accused of cheating on him when I have literally NEVER cheated. Never even talked to another guy in a sexual manner like that. We even had a discussion one night where I told him beyond him I’m pretty sure I’m asexual. Like if I’m sneaking off to a motel in the middle of the day its to take a nap because I am just so tired.

I have no fight left in me to get him to stay. It’s just exhausting. Like if you want to leave me then just go. I keep telling him I just don’t care anymore just please leave me alone if that’s what you want to do. We don’t even have to divorce like I don’t even care to remarry in the future. I just ~want~~ NEED some peace in my life.

I don’t want my kids to grow up in a broken family but I feel like I’m just losing my mind.

What do I do?

Tldr; My husband is constantly accusing me of cheating and brings up wanting to divorce very often. Should I just say screw it and let him for the sake of my sanity?

Edit: spelling error

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