I (24M) met a coworker (23F) in the beginning of 2023 at work when we first started. But the job went remote immediately the first day so we could not see each other. We shared a little group chat with other coworkers after finding out that we had similar interests, such as gaming, all together.

We never went out of our ways to talk to each other. But around near the end of the year she moved in the same apartment complex as me because the office for work would be closer. When she moved in I gave her some snacks and some household items just to help out. I thought nothing of it since I wanted to help. Since she moved near me I started to invite her out through messages to grab food after work a few times and she would accept. I just want to add that we never talk through messages except for when I invite her out. She never invited me out. Although she did say she is introverted. So maybe she could be hesitant to invite me. That could be a sign that she may not be interested in me though. Every time we spoke, I felt like we had fun. We both were laughing here and there and the talks would get deep. After a few times she agreed to get food with me I started to wonder some questions like “Surely a girl wouldn’t keep agreeing to get food with me if she is not interested right?” But every time we did get food, we would talk for like 2 hours afterwards and it seemed pretty good. I started to get interested in her after a few outings. I noticed that valentines day was approaching and thought it may be a good idea to ask her on an actual date? But before making valentines plans, I wanted to test the waters to see if she was interested. So invited her to my apartment for some food since I was making some and she accepted. So we ate and just had a nice chat after. My logic was that a girl would not go to a guys place if she is not interested. I would say we have been hanging out for about three months. So with valentines approaching, I bought some choco for her and planned to ask her to go on a valentines date after dinner. So after the dinner I asked her if she would like to go on a date on valentines. After I asked that there was a silence. Then she said “oooh”. After that I just said all good it is okay and took it as a no. And we just parted ways after that. This was the first time in my life where I asked out a girl. I do not really know what counts as signals from a girl because I never have any experience with that before. After that I felt embarrassed but that should be expected. I assumed that she would hate me after and block me on all messaging apps. But to my surprise I asked her to get food a few days later and she accepted. We acted like nothing happened and continued talking normally.

Do you think I am moving too fast with this? Was it wrong for me to assume that she is interested since she agreed to grab food multiple times and went over to my apartment for food too? Did I look at things far too deep because the reason why she accepted all of that was because she wanted to be friends?

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