Is supporting Ukraine unpopular with the American left like you can read on popular subreddits?

  1. Only unpopular with completely unhinged right wing persons. They also don’t like preschool or health care. Soooooo

  2. I would say the opposite. The left seems to be having another contest to see who can support Ukraine the hardest.

  3. On Reddit sure, but fortunately Reddit doesn’t accurately reflect Americans, including the leftist ones

  4. Supporting Ukraine without question, limit or debate is almost universal on the American left, and the right isn’t far behind.

  5. The only people not supporting Ukraine are far right sympathizers who believe in Russian goals.

  6. So, I would say it’s more unpopular on the American right. However, polls show that something like 80%+ of Americans are supportive of Ukraine. It’s one of the more unifying subjects we come across. I think it’s important to keep in mind that Reddit isn’t America, and usually does a poor job reflecting the views of average Americans.

  7. This is bad faith.

    It is not the left that has referred to Putin as brilliant since this invasion began. It is not the left that has played up its relationship with Vladimir Putin. We see Russia as the disgusting dictatorship it is. It was not one of our senators holding up military aid to Ukraine. That was Rand Paul. It was not the media that leans towards us discouraging support for Ukraine. That was Tucker Carlson on Fox. It was not us doing side-by-side comparisons of military recruiting ads from Russia and the US to try to prove some asinine, bad faith point about modern masculinity or “the woke military” when our military moved to be more inclusive. That was Ted Cruz calling our army “woke, emasculated” and using the Russian military as the model of how he thinks militaries should approach its business.

    The left of the United States has consistently pushed for more support for Ukraine since this began. You’re thinking of the other side of the aisle, who, for that matter, are also mostly in support of supporting Ukraine.

  8. The American left is all for spring Ukraine. I think most of us want to do more for Ukraine.

  9. Only on the fringe left (anti-Americans and tankies). Mainstream left (centrists and liberals) are pretty supportive.

  10. No, both the left and right are mostly in support of Ukraine. The left is generally anti-imperialist, so I don’t see why anyone on the left we be pro Russian invading their neighbors.

  11. I’m basically a special-interest moderate but I’m no fan of Ukraine. I’m gay so I don’t tend to support homopobic countries. Ukranians don’t support basic human rights for the LGBTQ+ community so it’s hard for me to get behind supporting them. They wouldn’t piss on me to put out a fire but I’m supposed to support them starting WW3?

  12. you mean tankies? they’re not really what you’d call a significant force in American politics

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