I’m 25m married to 25f for 2 months, i am very high labido and good in bed kind of person, i used to get hard on slightest stimulation(verbal or eye contact)
Now to the cultural context, i was engaged with another girl and she was nice i loved her the best i can, like a real gentleman or some people would say simp, but we couldn’t control our relationship and it ended, we both are psychologist and she was very beautiful.
My family was forcing me to marry someone and arrange marriages are very common in our culture so i said yes, so my family fixed me with someone she is nice but a little chubby and has nice sexual features, on our marriage i met her for the first time, we had fun on our wedding when its time to sleep my penis couldn’t get hard and it was her first time she got scared and cried i consoled her and said it’s normal, after 3 days i was good enough and we had sex

I felt fine after that and was same as before but now my labido is high but I can’t get hard unless I play with it or let her play with it,
It made me scared so I communicated with her she said why don’t you try it with your ex and see if it’s good then we’ll think of a next step, i did and it was still same.
I don’t have performance issues or anything it’s just takes time to get hard and doesn’t stay hard for more than 10 seconds if i leave it.
Please any experienced person tell me how can i get rid of this problem.

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