I’m stuck with this situation where I am completely turned off by women who are into me and turned on by women who are not/slightly.

For context I’m 33 year old decent looking(I would think but I’m not one to say so trust me saying this is cringe) well trained at gym for years, I have a decent job or what ever you get the point, getting a relationship is not the problem it’s the mental side. My mind when it comes to women is flawed and has been basically been the same since I was a teen on this, I know it’s a problem and I have tried my best to work on it but it is a constant problem I can’t avoid and I can’t get an answer to it.

I have even been in the situation several times at this point where I have gone for a chick who wasn’t that much into me got into a relationship and then They got really into me for me to be turned off by it, it’s disturbing to me why it happens and I fucking hate it, I have tried to continue it because I know it’s unhealthy but because of this underlying reason it will always end from either me or her.

Yes I have gone to therapy on it and it hasn’t helped at all, I feel lost as a man.

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