So when me and my boyfriend first got together around two months ago he would reply pretty fast maybe within 15 minutes. I moved into his place for awhile, and it was great because he obviously didn’t have to reply as I was there, and I felt more secure. so I moved out of his place about four days ago, and since then his replied time has just been absolutely awful.

I understand he’s busy sometimes and I completely get it but I’ve told him in the past when he replies late I feel awful and I just worry. Today, for example, I went home and he messaged me about six hours later asking if I got home okay? I left it for an hour and I told him I was fine and I asked how his preparation was going for his dinner party tomorrow. He replied almost insane and then so did I. then he left me for two hours saying he was cleaning but didn’t tell me before. I considered replying late, but as he was cleaning, I just replied quite instantly. I asked him what time his dinner party was going to start and who was going to go and then after no reply for awhile I said oh, maybe you’re still busy. I still had no reply from him.

He’s told me before he’s not very good at checking his phone and today I guess he must be busy but it’s like this quite a lot. today I was thinking you probably didn’t like me, but then he text me first but I’m just not sure what to do. I’ve communicated with him my needs for fairly consistent communication and he said he could try to fix that. I think the issue may be that his friend who is a girl sleeps in his bed at the moment. This means I can’t really call him and I guess he’s just busy with her. but at the moment it just feels like I’m trying so hard to make conversation and talk with him and he’s not talking back to me. I asked him basic questions about how everything was going and even if he was pretty surely he could say that. no, I’m just wondering what point do I bring it up again I’ll break up with him or something I feel like I need to take a course of action because I feel really neglected at the moment. I don’t believe asking for communication should be an issue, but he seems to get quite angry whenever I have issues. As I just moved out recently, I don’t want to argue with him and I don’t particularly want to bring it up again, but unless his behaviour changes I don’t know what to do.

TLDR/ boyfriend communication style is bugging me should I do something about it?

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