Just wondering!

  1. I knew one in HS, played some board games together sometimes. Really nice guy, always a little weird, but that’s always true of my friends.

  2. There were a couple kids (2-3 maybe), that were odd, for lack of a better term… They used to wear tails around school… I didn’t really know the meaning or why they did that.

  3. no but there was someone i worked with who i strongly suspected of being furry.

  4. A friend of mine I’ve known since first grade. We suspected he was a furry sometime around sophomore year of college but he would always deny it. It became a running joke for *years* until he finally admitted it.

  5. I live in San Francisco so undoubtedly many of the people that work in my IT department are furries.

    Which honestly wouldn’t even rank in the top 5 weirdest hobbies I’ve encountered

  6. It’s not something that would be openly talked about in my social circle, so I don’t know.

  7. Not personally, but a primary figure in the Fighting Game Community is vocally genderqueer and a furry. Nothing but respect for them, they dominate more different games (like placing in top 8 for multiple titles like Mortal Kombat and Skullgirls at the same time or even same tournament) than any single player I’ve ever heard of. They even show up to events in a partial fursuit, usually the head and tail. The legend: SonicFox!

  8. I knew a few at one point. Contrary to what many think, they didn’t wear their suits to do fuck stuff.

    The college in town had its Christmas light show up. It was one where you parked and then walked around. Two girls my wife and I knew suited up and entertained the fuck out of the kids. Kids would run up and want to hug them and get pictures.

    Furries in general seem to be sweet people.

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