We (myself 23F and 27M) got married through an arranged marriage, but I can not say I don’t like him. In fact, I love him, and till now I can’t say anything negative about his character or values. He shows he loves me, and it’s beautiful.

However, I can’t get along with his mom at all. Hub’s a family guy and we live with his parents. His family’s great but I can’t stand his mom’s straightforwardness. She shows rude behaviour to me. She laughed at me because I kept getting sick in the start. When my husband had asked her if I can take his sisters out to a restaurant before I could, she asked if I dont have a mouth loud enough that I heard. Hub doesn’t say anything to her because he knows that if he tells her to stop, she will stop talking to me altogether and it’s over.

Hub gives a lot of importance to his mom (he’s Indian fyi) and frankly even after moving out I can tell that I’ll face difficulties with her. And I won’t blame his mom, it’s all me. I am weak and unable to handle these little things. (She doesnt abuse me or force me to do work and gives me the freedom to do what I want, the only issue is her brutal honesty)

It’s more the fact that my husband would be better off with someone who is more bold and who can ignore these petty comments and move on. I take things seriously, cry, and avoid her for days.

I hate being such a disappointment. I want to just escape sometimes. I brought up divorce once and he said we dont have any problems ourselves, will you really leave me because of my mom?

Every fight we have had, I think it was related to his mom. Frankly I’m tired of this.

PS. I can’t say he’s a mummy’s boy. But she’s more like a typical boy mom.

Can someone give me advice? Anything? Am I being naive and stupid for thinking these things?

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