I’ve been dating a guy for a month and a half now recently he asked for space. During this month and a half I’ve been hanging out with him and his friends and I’ve met his parents a couple of times. I finally asked him what we were doing because I wanted to know. He said that we should continue doing whatever we’re doing now and just date only each other. He hasn’t defined the relationship. He has been distant lately and I feel like I should explore my options because I feel like he’s doing the same. I’m really bad at this dating stuff I just need advice. Anything helps thank you very much.

  1. Needs space after a month and a half, and saying he wants to be exclusive? Yeah that don’t jive. At this point give him the “space” and let him come when he’s ready. In the meantime, after a week or so, if nothing’s changed, starting looking out for new options (if you feel so inclined).

  2. Move on. I gave a girl space after dating a few weeks and it just led to friendzoning and then just outright no more communication

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