
I’m planning to visit US in late December-mid January.

It would be my first time there, so sorry for my very basic knowledge of the country and perhaps some English grammar mistakes 😀

I know it’s still early but I generally like to make initial, rough travel itineraries well in advance.

If all’s well, I would be arriving on December 23rd and would be staying for 2.5 or 3 weeks. This period was chosen so to be there during holidays (Christmas and New Year) when I guess cities look nice and decorated. Maybe catch a little snow too. I’m aware of low temps, especially in Chicago.

My interests and goals are

a) mainly big cities like NYC and Chicago.

b) To visit distinct parts/regions of US so to get a basic feel/vibe of entire country. That’s why NYC, Chicago, Miami, San Francisco…I emphasise basic as I’m aware of the country size.

I have no ambition nor time to visit ”everything” and besides I don’t like to spend too many days in one place.

My initial plan is to spend 2 full days in each city with the exception of NYC having 4 full days. **This is not counting travel days to US and inside US (between cities) so in reality it would be more.**

So something like:

Dec 23rd-Dec 26.- Miami

Dec. 26th-Dec 31- NYC (not that important to spend New Years Eve there)

Dec. 31st- Jan 3rd- Chicago

Jan. 3rd- Jan. 6th- San Francisco

Jan 6th- Jan. 9th- one more city? Denver?


1. Does this look doable? I would be flying between cities.

2. Any particular order i which to visit these? I’m arriving from Europe (Bosnia).

3. I was thinking of adding maybe one more city, but from US heartland, something different and something I haven’t covered above, maybe somewhere with nice natural landscapes and more in the middle USA. Maybe Denver? I hear Colorado is beautiful

4. How is flying on Dec 31st or January first like in case I decide to fly between cities on those dates?

5. Are most shops, cafes and restaurants generally open on Dec 31st and January 1st. ? This to help me decide where to spend those 2 days. So, for example, if Miami or Chicago are ”closed” and NYC isn’t, then NYC.

Thank you 😀

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