Me and my girlfriend of 2 and a half years broke up, due to her losing romantic feelings for me as well as some other stuff. I know it’s naive of me to think but based on how she was acting and how important the other stuff was to her. I feel like it’s possible in the future she might regain those feelings for me.

She said that we can still do some of the things we did as friends, which one was playing games together. She told me she has wanted to continue playing the game in the past 3 weeks and would still want to with me (I forgot to mention but we have been on a break the past 3 weeks, until she broke up with me after the break) though this is where I am confused on what to do, assuming it’s even possible for her to have feelings for me again I don’t know if it’s better for me to play games with her or not.

On one hand I think, she needs time away from me with no contact to truly miss me. As that’s what I’ve seen online, some people regain feelings over time with no contact and end up missing the person.

On the other hand I think maybe playing with her she might regain her feelings, as that’s how we initially started. We were friends and we played games together away from our friend group and got close and got together. But at the same time I don’t want to play games with her and just transform into the friend to play games with sometimes.

I know this is very naive and wishful thinking in the first place but I’d appreciate answers.

Edit: the “other reason” was that she would want me to convert to a religion as that’s what her family would accept. And I don’t think in the past I showed her that I was fond of the idea and she thinks it’s not smart for the future if I won’t do it. I’d do it now but i don’t think she was convinced of it. But this is something she brought up a lot and was worried about a lot during our relationship, and was one of the reasons it nearly ended twice

Tl;dr: she lost romantic feelings but says she still wants to play games like we did before. I am hopeful she will regain the feelings based on reasons. I don’t know if playing games will help her regain them or time away will help her regain them.

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