How much and how often do you decorate your living space with seasonal decor? Which seasons or holidays?

  1. Currently just halloween and yule. In the future I can see myself decorating in spring and summer as well, but I’d have to live in a bigger home as there just isn’t the storage room in my little flat.

  2. Only when I’m hosting Christmas. Otherwise never. I live alone so I don’t need to worry about spreading holiday cheer to anyone else in my home and decorating/cleaning up is more work than any joy I might get from the decorations. It’s just not worth the effort to me. The most I do is change the kitchen towels to themed ones.

  3. I put up some decorations for Halloween, for May 4th, and July 4th. That’s it and I don’t really go all out, cause I have 3yo twins and a 2mo

  4. Mostly Halloween, Thanksgiving & Christmas. I have a few spring items I’ll put out during Easter, but not much.

  5. I decorate for Christmas but it’s mostly because my son loves it. He enjoys helping put ornaments on the tree and decorating the entire living room.

    I decorate for Halloween because I enjoy it. It’s always fun to surprise and scare people with the new figures and skeletons I get.

  6. I only used to do Christmas but now I have a 4-year-old son and he loves decorations so we’ll pick up random things from Smith’s like a heart wreath that’s on our door now. Nothing huge but it’s usually just door hangers or some lights

  7. We have youngish kids so I have garlands for our fireplace mantel for Valentine’s Day, St Patrick’s Day, and Thanksgiving in addition to all of our Halloween and Christmas decor.

  8. I am trying to own less in general, so while I am not donating/tossing decorations that I already own (which is few), I am not buying more. Yes, sometimes I see seasonal decorations that seem so cute… but at the end of the day, it’s just more things to add to limited storage, money to spend, more stuff to move, and stuff that potentially is thrown away in the future.

  9. Back when it was just me and my husband we decorated for Christmas only. Now that we have kids we do pretty much every major holiday, even if it’s just in small ways. We currently have hearts on our windows and a heart banner over the fireplace. Nothing too elaborate.

  10. Halloween/Fall and Christmas are the big ones. I’ll put out some towels, a door sign or a flag for the other holidays.

  11. Halloween and Christmas are the holidays I decorate for with reckless abandon. I would like to start doing a bit of seasonal decorating, but it won’t be comparable to those other holidays.

  12. Only Halloween or Christmas. Occasionally I will get a seasonal wreath or something for the door for other times of the year (like a spring wreath, or one for autumn)

  13. Usually only fall/Christmas. Last year, I was so sad to take the Christmas decor down, so I got some late winter/early spring things to fill in the space. I put them in my Christmas boxes so I can just set it all up as I’m tearing down the holiday stuff.

    Evergreen is replaced with flocked vines. The vases get fake peonies. Flower-scented candles go where the holiday ones were.

    It did the trick! I even came across some roses at the grocery store that match my peonies, so now it feels like whispers of spring in my house 🙂

  14. I decorate a little for Halloween, but I want to start decorating more for it.

    I decorate most of my house for Christmas. I go all out. My kids really love it. Growing up, my house was never decorated for any holiday, and I remember always feeling down about it. I never want my kids to feel like that, so I over compensate and go all out on Christmas.

  15. Because I still have small kids, we do a little something for most holidays. Valentines, St. Patrick’s, Easter, patriotic/American holidays, Fall, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s. I decorate a lot more for Easter, Fall, Halloween and Christmas than the others.

  16. Pretty much just Halloween and Christmas. Our Christmas Village goes up immediately after Halloween and stays up until almost Easter. We love the cheeriness of it through the dreary winter of the pacific NW winters.

  17. As someone who used to work in the holiday industrial complex, please don’t feel obligated or pressured to decorate for any holiday. There is so much marketing peddling this for every single holiday that exists. That including in magazines in there to sell more product.
    If a holiday really speaks to you and decorating for it makes you really happy go for it. This notion that you should be or that other people decorate their house for every stinking holiday is manufactured.

  18. We’re always decorated for Halloween, we do a tree only at Christmas and nothing for any other holidays.

  19. I change up my zoom background for each season, keeps it fresh and sometimes a conversion starter

  20. I go all out for Halloween and Christmas. Small decorations for v-day and st Patrick’s day.

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