I’ve found many of my friends either don’t seem to interact with me at all in social situations, and that I am cast aside while they do their own thing. If I do join in on their conversation, it usually feels awkward, and that I am standing contributing nothing. Otherwise, I’ll just find myself something else to be preoccupied with, so I can distract myself from not being able to join in.

I notice myself having to follow people around, because if I go my own direction, they’ll never follow me. It feels that while I am well liked, I am never the centre of attention, and that I always have to “join in” rather than “being invited” or “wanted”

What are some ways that I can distinguish this? Am I supposed to join in on their conversation even when I’m not invited? Do I wait for them to invite me in? Is initiating these sort of things ok? Or am I inviting myself, and do they just not want me.

Sorry, this is my first time in the subreddit, and I don’t really know it that well.


1 comment
  1. I’ll be straight with you, you need to contribute to conversation and provide value.

    People will swear up and down to be yourself and you’ll find the right people eventually but honestly, yourself + better conversational skills is your best bet

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