Men do you remember anniversaries and what do you do on them?

  1. I’d be murdered if I forgot. But flowers and extra good willy always seem to do the trick 👌🏻

  2. When in a relationship, I’ll set a reoccurring event on my Google Calendar to remind me a month before, a week before, and the day before.

    Typically we’d plan something together like a nice dinner out together or a weekend getaway.

  3. Yeah, I’ve never had issues remembering. My wife and I don’t do gifts, we just get someone to watch the kids and go spend the evening together.

  4. I only remember it because it falls on May the Fourth be with You and Cinco De Mayo.

  5. Hell we both forgot last year. This year we upgraded our rings and I’ve started actually wearing mine, or at least a silicone band

  6. We usually don’t remember our anniversary until we get cards from the grandparents. Dates and anniversaries don’t matter too much to us, but we might do a date night sometime around it.

  7. I do, I try to do something special for my wife. We try to go on dates. We like movies and going to the park. We’re not about fancy restaurants. So if there’s a event or go to the park. Just something to do something special. It’s a milestone and it definitely helps make our relationship strong. Don’t have to do something expensive, just fun.

  8. Absolutely! Last year we went to Maui but mostly we either go out to a nice dinner or I cook her her very favorite dishes at home. And, of course, there are gifts, card and flowers sent to her at work. (I think most women love to get flowers at work so they can show off.)

  9. I’m the romantic in our relationship, celebrating 3 different anniversaries.

    I usually book a day off, couples massage, a show, and fancy dinner

  10. May sound cheesy but I follow the “traditional anniversary gift list”. Helps take the anxiety out of thinking about what to get her. To be clear, she doesn’t expect anything and is happy with flowers and dinner. But the extra gifts are always appreciated. One year was “paper” so I got her a gift certificate to a day spa. Another was “cotton” so I found some throw blankets with cool designs I knew she would like. For “wood” I found a neat bowl made out of driftwood and filled it with her favorite coffee cups and chocolates.

  11. Yes, Dinner out and I buy her an orchid. Flowers die, orchids will bloom for months

  12. Not even remember my own birthday. I don’t celebrate random events that had nothing to do with anything I had achieved.

  13. I remember birthdays, anniversaries etc very well. I’m not with anyone at the moment but I know it’s a trait woman will love.

  14. Look, I remember one year on my birthday particularly well, because that was the year that I legit forgot it was my birthday that day at school, only for my entire class to suddenly single me out mid-class and start singing the happy birthday – I didn’t realize it was my birthday until this exact moment when they started singing – in broken English, followed by the happy birthday song in Norwegian – I live in Norway and grew up here, and this was in 6th grade or something.

    Don’t expect me to go remembering other things when I can barely remember what day it is on my own birthday xD

  15. Yes. I have a Google calendar where I track everything. Every birthday, anniversary, etc. When someone dies, or there’s a life event, or anything of note, I add a calendar event that repeats on that day every year.

    I do this for Andrew reasons. Reminders to call people or leave flowers at a grave, fun talking points with family and friends, etc.

  16. I always remember, don’t always do much. Sometimes just get her some flowers.

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