I’m curious. What were the circumstances? What didn’t you like about said person? Was it physical or a personality trait? How’d you get through it? How’d you feel after it was over?

  1. Yea my ex. Thought he was a good person in the beginning but slowly the spark died. The chemistry just wasn’t there but he was the first “good” bf i had as far as how he treated me. Sex was awful aswell as he was inexperienced.

  2. Yes, a co-worker and it got awkward really quick. Both agreed we’d keep it out of the office but she became possessive at work. Luckily she was offered a better position a few months later and took it! 🤟🏼

  3. Yeah. Usually because I had found them physically attractive at some point and was optimistic that I still would (or didn’t feel comfortable leaving/saying no), even after realizing I disliked their personality. It was always a mistake.

  4. It was consensual, but 19 year old me thought sex would fill some void in my life. I didn’t feel bad afterwards, but just completely indifferent.

  5. I did with someone I didn’t love anymore, in the case of my ex that would pressure me and guilt-trip me into doing things I didn’t want.

    Breaking up with him was one of the best decisions I’ve made.

  6. My ex. I didn’t like him anymore, but I still loved him. Plus he was crazy hot and skilled between the sheets

  7. Yeah because I was drunk and horny, hated him but still found him attractive. Good sex honestly

  8. More than once. The one that stands out the most was the female half of a couple. I was super into him,but not physically attracted to her at all. Add in the fact she was not a nice person and a pillow princess

  9. Yes, I liked him , but not like damm I want you type of like he was an all right type of guy , but not my typical. I was way taller than him he had a certain type of voice an very strong accent and idk man I was 18 with certain expectations . We were chilling at his house he was trying to rub my thighs and all ( a pillow on top of my lap to cover) while my little brother was next to me on the opposite side. He whispered to my ear “I want you “ but I was like naaa then insisted so I was like wtf man ok sure whatever. Told my little brother we were going outside for a while(which was a lie) the whole time we were in the bedroom I was like dead in the inside like a damm used mannequin. Ughhh I think that was the first time I faked an orgasm and we laid for about 4 minutes after “climaxing” because I even counted the time and while we did he started saying I want to spend my life with you and shit in my head I’m like “gtf” He was about 26? 27? After that day I ain’t speak to him ever again. Tried to talk to me after that and I’m like yeaahhh no. Lol

  10. Physically, yes. I’ve had sex with people in relationships after the point I am not attracted to them anymore. It’s not enjoyable, would not recommend.

    Psychologically, no. I need to think someone’s a decent person to trust them enough to have sex with them.

  11. Oh man, I got so close to it and dodged a bullet. Happened when I became poly and started dating for the first time as an adult ever. I was horny AF and ready to go. A friend of mine saw me on a dating app and started flirty with me. I hadn’t seen him in awhile. We had previously known each other through a vegan group and animal activism and he was quite a bit older than I was.

    When we met up again, I found out he was no longer vegan and started trying to argue with me about feminism (“I’m not feminist, I’m humanist.”) And he just acted like a total ass. But at the same time, he was very sexually explicit with me. He ended up kissing me at the end of the night (didn’t ask) and I was not really sure how to respond. Then he groped me and that definitely wasn’t cool. I broke away and left. He texted me a short while later and was like “you’re a little bitey aren’t you? :P” which just sent me into a blinding rage.

    I have to apologize for my weird reaction to this and I can’t explain it now but for some reason, I kinda wanted to hate fuck him. Basically my saving grace was that I was leaving for a conference in a different town around that time, which gave me a week to think about it and recognize how bad an idea that was. Thank God I didn’t act on the impulse. He was a real piece of work.

  12. For money and household expenses.

    My ex has a gambling problem. I was trying to be a supportive girlfriend through his issue and not leave him in the dust. It didn’t help that he got my car repossessed and limited my ability to go anywhere. I threw out many job applications, but I had no responses. I needed the money quick to try to help the situation so that we aren’t out on the streets. So I became a sugar baby.

    And to pull the curtain a little bit, a lot of sugar daddies may have the funds ON PAPER to support a sugar baby, but when it comes to paying, they are cheap as hell because a lot of them they can handle multiples when they really can’t or they themselves are in major debt.

    I hated having sex with my ex because he was so piss poor broke that we couldn’t eat and I didn’t want to waste my energy being sexed out and hungry and him not doing anything about it. I hated having sex with sugar daddies because I did not care for their misogynist views on women and their bodies weren’t all that great to look at. And those were the young computer tech guys. I couldn’t imagine getting an older SD. I would purposely put myself in a sex position where I did not look at their faces. I don’t care about what they look like and neither do they since they hop from woman to woman.

  13. It was a night out with some friends and there was this one guy I absolutely hated. All of his opinions were horrible and he was just a terrible person and he hated me right back. Anyway, we ended up going home and hate fucking as an obvious ONS. The sex wasn’t even good and the worst part was when we all got up the next morning everyone wanted to go to brunch so I had to have brunch with this person who was just so boring and shitty.

  14. Yes, it was with a one night stands that turned into a Duck buddy. I was never really physically attracted to him in the first place at the time there was a lot of things going on in my life. I had just gotten out of the military. I really needed a stress reliever and coitus has always been a great stress reliever for me. Some things happened in my childhood that leaded to also be a sort of way to revert back to an earlier stage of development for my brain. I didn’t enjoy sleeping with him but the hormones that released within my brain made it bearable.

  15. Haven’t done this in awhile but I have done this before. Mainly it was a need I had to get off. Not proud of it.

  16. Yes. A lot. I was hypersexual after abuse. A lot of the abuse was online and my parents did nothing to stop it. I thought that sex was the only intimacy and it was normal to just let people have sex with you because they liked you and accepted you.

  17. Yeah … it’s just physical attraction. The person attracts me but I don’t necessarily like the person. It’s not nice either … I prefer pleasuring myself now 🤷🏻‍♀️

  18. When my first husband and I first split I still needed sexual satisfaction and didn’t want to go through all the work to find someone compatible. He would call me or I him when we needed to relieve stress. When it was over I would leave. I didn’t want to spend time chatting or hanging out because we weren’t getting back together but when you’re horny your horny! 🤷

  19. I did but I was blacked out so I can’t recall all of the details. He had a nice body but his personality was atrocious and I’m a personality type of person. I got through the sex by being… well… blackout. When I woke up in the morning and was actually coherent I felt like dying. We never saw each other again lol.

  20. I was looking for validation. I hated myself afterwards but I’m good at self sabotage so ya know, lesson learned.

  21. I wouldn’t say I just straight up didn’t like him, but I was forcing myself to be into this guy because I liked his personality but I just couldn’t get myself to be physically attracted to him and couldn’t figure out why. I thought, hey maybe he’s really good in bed, it’s worth a shot….but he was not good in bed and it ruined anything there ever was between us lol. We did not continue to see each other.

  22. In a relationship with someone where I was in a difficult part of my life, vulnerable, and largely alone. He was a selfish lover, and the sex would happen because he’s beg and guilt me into it, or because he’d get angry, and I’d rather just bite the bullet than deal with him when he was angry. If I tried to stay away, he’d call me selfish for not being there for him when he needed me. Manipulative bastard, but it ended when his anger eventually turned to physical violence

  23. Absolutely. Former escort. My self worth was so low. The show Euphoria really expresses drug addiction well… her sponsor says something along the lines of “the longer you do drugs the more of yourself, the more of your morals you give up.” I couldn’t even look at myself in the mirror sober I was so disgusted with who I had become.

  24. Iv done this several times, with guys Iv been dating that I really wanted to like, and hoped sleeping with them would ignite something but it never did. I always felt very flat and crap afterwards.

    I was also coerced into sex once with a truly awful guy which was one of the worst experiences of my life.

  25. Yes, I am a lesbian and before I realized it, I kept thinking I just hadn’t met the right man yet. So basically all the men I’ve slept with (all casual dates), I obviously did not truly like. They were nice people though so nothing on them and everything was consensual.

  26. Either drunk, horny, lonely, trying to numb emotional pain with sex or a combination of these. Don’t recommend it and so grateful to have evolved out of this stage in my life.

  27. My partner and I had wanted a threeway for a while. I really, really, did not like one of his friends that was also a sexual partner (we had an open relationship). She was emotionally manipulative, a mass energy drain with trauma dumping, a massive liar, and a bully etc.. though I didn’t realize to what extent until shortly after our threeway. I hit her up to give my partner a birthday surprise.

    It sounds horrible and I will never make this choice again, but I just pretended it wasn’t her. I didn’t look at her face, I simply engaged with her body and my partners body. Ive done some sex work in the past and had sex out of perceived obligation with an ex before so I guess I just turned off the switch of this being for my pleasure, and turned on the switch of separating my body from my mind.

    I regret it. I shared something I reserve for people I trust and respect for someone that repeatedly harmed me. Needless to say when she kept asking for another it was met with silence from me.

    It was shitty of me. She’s a shitty human. She gave my partner Chlamydia twice (then me by default) and then herpes when she hit him up to fuck when we closed our relationship (she initiated cheating 🙃). Fuck that horrible horrible person.

  28. Yes. My husband, for 10 years. Among other things, I hadn’t yet realized that I didn’t like him.

  29. Yes.

    I was physically attracted to him, horny and single and out of town, and he was physically attractive. He was probably the best sex of my life or at least it felt like that. He was unappealing in every way other than how great he was in bed. I would take the train to see him, or vice versa, every once in awhile. I did it until my resentment overwhelmed my pleasure.


  30. It was someone in my friend group back in high school. He always was borderline mean to me. Called me “Princess” and not in a good way. I can’t say that I hated him but the dislike was strong. I’m pretty sure he felt the same way about me. This went on for a couple years.

    Then one night due to circumstances I can’t remember we found ourselves alone together. Never happened before where we weren’t at least with two or three others from the group. I think I was giving him a ride home and he asked me if I wanted to come in. I surprised myself by saying yes. I guess I was curious by the invite in the first place.

    Went inside and one thing led to another. The best mind blowing sex I have ever experienced in my 55 years. Something I never expected from him. Shit, I never expected from myself either. Uncontrolled, unbridled searing hot passion. It was absolutely amazing.

    The next day we went back to our regular dislike but we also had a secret. It was weird and kind of cool. I never wanted to be with him or thought of him romantically before or after. It’s one of my fondest memories strangely enough.

  31. Many time actually. It was just sex, he wasn’t my type for a serious relationship and I just wanted to get laid.

    Men do that all the time, why we can’t?

  32. Yeah this American military guy took me out, and I realised he was a gun-tootin, trump supporting, metal Amex card having sorta dude and I am verrrry liberal, pay my way sorta gal. Anyways he looked like Henry Cavill, so yknow, a girls gotta eat. Haha

  33. Yep. 18-year-old me was at a party, and this 27-year-old dude was making passes at me all night and trying to get me drunk. Even though I really wasn’t interested, I was too young and impressionable to say no, and I didn’t want to seem rude (yeah… I know). So I let him fuck me, did NOT enjoy myself at all, and felt extremely gross afterward. Worst part was that I had the brilliant idea to give him my number afterward because again, didn’t wanna seem rude. (Again, yeah… I know.)

    He texted me nonstop for a week calling me pet names and telling me he wanted to meet up again. I told him over and over again that I wasn’t interested and that it was just a one-time thing, but he wouldn’t leave me alone until I blocked him. Even though it was consensual (albeit a bit sketchy because he was definitely plying me with alcohol), the whole thing made me feel so gross.

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