I already talked to my boss about her behavior! She’s driving me insane daily and I’m getting angry and resentful of this situation. She lives and thrives off my energy . She is sucking the life out of me in the workplace because every moment and every chance she has she will act EXTRA for no reason. I work as a substance abuse counselor and there is a form to be and act in the facility because it is a DOC run facility . We work with individuals who come straight from jail and get transported to us because we are a clinical rehab . I already addressed issues I had with her behavior and had a conversation with her directly. She was better for a little while and now she is back to being super obnoxious , loud , Extra . Im when we are in a group meeting for CBT she will make the group about herself and it’s not what she is there for . We are working for the clients to have a successful recovery and reintegrate back into society . Every group she has run she tends to use the topic of choice to throw indirect shade at me and im well aware . She took it the wrong way about me approaching her about her behavior and got angry but improved for a little while . Her stance is theatrical and just utterly ridiculous. I need help because im getting ready to spazz on someone !

1 comment
  1. You need to go back to your boss with evidence that she is undermining you and disrupting sessions. I assume that there is cctv footage that you could submit?

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