so me and my girlfriend have been together for almost three and a half years. she’s been my first everything, first time i’ve kissed a woman, and first person i’ve does sexual things with, literally anything you can think of. there’s many reasons why i’ve almost broken up with her but here are a couple. one of the reasons which i have not mentioned to her is because i feel like i haven’t really gotten to experience much and feel like i’m missing out on a lot. for example going out partying or to the club, or going to concerts and i’m not against doing these things with her it’s just we are two very different people those types of places are not her scene and she also doesn’t want me in places with half naked women. but it’s a scene that i can see myself enjoying even with her. but she also won’t allow me to go alone. another reason i’ve thought about breaking up with her is i feel like we are way too attached to each other. for example me and my girlfriend are each others only friends. when we first started dating she had friends irl and online and i had friends online. i cut off the friends i had to be respectful to my current girlfriend because most of them were girls i used to talk to romantically. she claims that the friends she had online she stopped talking to because i was “jealous” and made her feel terrible for talking to them. which i never told her to stop talking to them but i had a feeling that those friends liked her romantically. to cut to today i always get asked by people for example my coworkers about friends and it’s embarrassing to not be be able to say anything because i don’t have any. i always tell my girlfriend how it’d be nice if we had a friend group and she always gets so angry, which i can’t really blame her because i think she gets insecure because i used to be flirty with my old friends, but that’s when i was 17 and before her. idk i just feel lonely but i don’t want to leave her because then i’d really have no one, she’s all i know and my only friend. but sometimes i feel like that’s what i have to do in order for us to grow as people.

TL;DR! I (20F) think about breaking up with my girlfriend (20F) alot because of reasons like us being each others only friends and not being able to experience things.

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