We (both in our mid 30s) been friends since college. We use to talk daily, have weekly dinners, and go on weekend trips together. We were there for each other when our close friend passed away 4 years ago.

Last year, I noticed them becoming distance. I would text them to hang out , they’ll reply a few days later with a one word answer “can’t” or “busy”. I would FaceTime them to check in, they stop answering my calls. After a few months of this, I asked them if I did something to hurt them. They told me “nothing is wrong”. Alright. Well, right after that I see they unfollow me on Twitter and blocked me on Instagram. I decided to confront them again. I called, no answer. I texted them, listing all my concerns and behaviors I noticed. They never responded.

It’s been three months since I last heard from them. Their birthday is tomorrow. Idk if I should send them a happy birthday text or just leave them alone at this point. I guess I’m just really confused as to what changed and how to move forward.

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