How do you let go of or get over something you cannot unsee?

  1. Sometimes talking about it with someone else helps; some things I don’t want to be alone in my head with. Some things are next level and you need a professional to debrief.

  2. If I can do something about it I do what I can to change it and prevent it happening again.

    If I can’t and it’s awful I usually cry and spend time alone playing games or reading to distract myself.

  3. Talking it out with a counsellor really helps me. That, and time. You can’t expect one call to fix everything.

  4. Cry in yo own room by yoself. Sleep. Wake up. Cry again. After 7-8 days u will be tired of that shit.
    Time to get something new to do. Time heals.

  5. Therapy and understanding that what I saw isn’t going to bring that person back or have anything but a negative impact in my life.

  6. I put my mind in a different moment I imagine the perfect moment that would make happy feelings are too powerful that they make forget about the thing

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