I’m pissed at my husband for this, but my sister says to give him a break. That’s why I’m posting here.

Last month I had appendicitis, which I didn’t know. I’m a doctor-nervous person so when I was having belly pain I didn’t want to go to the dr. By the time I went, my appendix had ruptured and I got something called peritonitis. I was in the hospital for I think a little over two weeks.

Since I’ve been home I’m still feeling pretty weak and still on antibiotics. For obvious reasons I’m not really interest in any sort of sexual activity with my husband. Notice I said sexual, not intimate.

Well two days ago, my husband saw me getting up in the morning to brush my hair and sort of get dressed for the day. I don’t work, my husband does, but I still get ready for the day anyway. He kinda gave me a weird look and told me I should rest. I said I was okay and wanted to start getting back to my life.

That night he came home so angry. I asked him if he was okay and he exploded on me about everything. He said “if you’re feeling good enough to put on makeup, why can’t we have sex”.

I was stricken and said first of all, I didn’t get up and do a full beat, I literally put on blush and lipgloss, and secondly I’m literally recovering from a full body infection and abdominal surgery.

He rolled his eyes and this started a whole argument we’ve had a million times before. My husband calls me vain. He thinks I am too into my looks, my clothes, blah blah blah I’ve heard it before. We’ve quite literally gone to therapy over it. He’s admitted that it’s jealousy because I get attention from other men. We’ve been working on it. But honestly this really really hurt me.

Is he so freaking jealous that he now is taking this out on our sex life, which isn’t even related? I love my husband so much but I can’t keep having this argument again. What do I do? I mean this is clearly deeper than jealously, but my sister says to give him a break because he’s also probably frustrated from the lack of sex for like a month. Idk what to do. How should I take this?

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