Personally i dont see how its any different to FGM, Unless absolultey medically neccesary why the hell should parents be allowed to mutilate their male babys?!

  1. All non medically necessary circumcisions on children should be banned

  2. Totally should be banned for anyone unable to consent, unless in medical necessity.

  3. Unless for a medical reason we shouldn’t be cutting bits off of children.

  4. In the USA they think it’s weird to not be circumcised. Most guys have their boys circumcised. The main argument I hear in support of it is “I don’t want them being bullied at school “. it just seems unnecessary and weird to be still doing this.

  5. Absolutely. It’s baffling that seemingly normal sensible loving parent would subject their sons to this.

  6. Yes. Any removal of childrens body parts for cultural or religious reasons should be illegal

  7. I mean technically FGM is worse on the basis that it’s far more likely to cause serious complications so there is a difference in that sense. That being said non-essential circumcisions should be made illegal. If religious people whinge, tough shit, and the whole ‘well they won’t remember it’ argument is such shite. Kid probably wouldn’t remember if you branded them after birth, doesn’t mean you’d get a bloody red hot poker to their arse.

  8. Are there many circumcised men that are angry about having it done by their parents when they were young?

  9. It should definitely be banned, however, I do not find it comparable to FGM at all – from the invasiveness of the procedure and the complications to the reasons it’s done, I find FGM to be far worse.

    All medically unnecessary surgeries – those which have no health benefit to the individual – should be prohibited by law.

  10. Yes, absolutely. Americans sometimes get a lot of unfair hatred on this sub, but this is one of the common things in the states culture that I absolutely cannot abide. It’s literal genital mutilation. Stop this shit.

    I’m so glad nobody cut a bit of my cock off when I was a baby. Fuck that.

  11. Yes it’s genital mutilation and traumatising to babies. What’s particularly barbaric is that when babies are circumcised for religious purposes it isn’t even done in a hospital by a doctor or medical professional. It’s done at someone’s house by a mohel.

  12. Lol there was a thread about this on r/daddit recently where some guy (American) was so desperate to support it that he claimed he’d choose to have it done as an adult given the chance.

    Don’t suppose anyone knows of a more U.K. centric version of that sub so that I don’t have to read that sort of nonsense?

  13. Frankly, having a young son and being pregnant with another, I can’t imagine how *anyone* could let someone cut bits off their newborn baby without bloody good reason. It’s bad enough watching them try to pop your newborn’s hips out of joints to check for hip dysplasia.

  14. While we are on the topic of modifying children’s bodies without their consent, there should also be a minimum age for ear piercing. Nothing makes me more uncomfortable than seeing a tiny tot with earrings in.

  15. The issue is a lot of religions require it. It’s all well and good telling a non-religious person that they’re not allowed to circumcise their kids, but a Jew? A Muslim? Even some Christians? And lots of smaller religions too? That could get you in a lot of trouble if the court deems it a breach of the parents’ rights to religious freedom.

    Not saying it’s impossible, but I doubt legislation could prevent circumcisions. They’d just move into temples and mosques rather than hospitals if legislation did ban them, which I don’t think would help the problem. Either that, or they’d end up with something like the Satanic Temple’s abortion ceremonies, which circumvent law to allow doctors to legally do the procedure under the condition that it’s a religious practice, which again wouldn’t help the problem at all.

    This is one of those difficult questions where religious freedom and individual rights intersect, and I don’t think there’s any one answer that will please both crowds

  16. I did, until someone pointed out that like abortions, adamant parents will take their sons to unsafe off-the-books circumcisions.

    If consequences like that could be nulled I would like to see it banned and make it a criminal offence with actual consequences for the parents who do it.

    I also don’t agree with piercing babies’ ears but that weirdly seems to be about a 50/50 split when it comes up online which surprises me.

  17. I got circumcised as an adult but a couple of things.

    1. It’s completely different to FGM, the equivalent to FGM would be removing the foreskin, the head of the penis and 1/3 of the remaining penis. Making it unusable and painful.

    2. It is however, mutilation of the penis just less so. And I don’t think anyone should be able to remove a person’s autonomy over their body. Therefore it should be banned.

    But it’s still different from FGM

  18. Yes if not required medically. Expecting lots of Americans to come in here and state how it’s required for hygiene, because apparently they are unable to wash under their foreskin when they shower. Also unrelated pro tip, if your cock is intact it’s much easier to masturbate without baby oil

  19. I’m not sure at what age you can diagnose a phimosis.

    I never retracted my foreskin until I was 12 years old, I knew there was something under there, (pre online porn days) but it was painful and tight when I tried to pull the skin back, and when I first saw the entire head, I thought I might have broken my penis, or that the head would fall off (I didn’t pull it far enough to see it was attached).. I ruminated over that for days.

    As an adult I don’t suffer from phimosis at all. I wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t been curious that time in the shower when I was 12.

    Why don’t we get taught how our dicks work?

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