I’m 23 years old and I don’t have a lot of friends since graduating university. I have a small friend group right now that are pretty much my only friends. And I’ve been feeling pretty lonely and unhappy despite having these friends. And I think it’s because there is so much pressure around attracting and hooking up with women.

None of us are really all that great at it. But it seems like thats all they really care about, especially my one best friend.This past weekend, I went home to visit my mom, and my 2 friends stayed back at the apartment. Both of them brought back girls and when I came back, my friend was telling me about how he hooked up and so did our other friend, and then he was teasing me saying “Where’s your b\*\*\*\* at?”I’m sure he was kidding – but I can’t help but feel like he probably thinks he’s better than me or something because he brought a girl over. I know he feels like the man right now, so I guess I’ll just let him ride the high.

But it’s been frustrating me how much importance is being put on women. I’ve been really hard on myself for my lack of success dating – my therapist has told me to find gratitude in the many other things that I’ve been able to accomplish.But it sucks because none of my friends seem to care about or validate anything about me except if I get a date or hook up with a girl. I’ve deleted all my social media just to get away from all this BS, but it still seems to find me through my friends.

I wish I had other friends to make me actually feel good about myself. But I don’t. I just want to go to an island all by myself where none of this even matters and I can just feel at peace.

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