I (26F) have two roommates: Ana (25F) and Bo (21M); we all met through work, although Ana now works elsewhere.

It’s Bo’s 21st birthday. The plan is to get dinner at 6 pm with the 3 of us plus Bo’s GF and some of his other friends, then meet up with coworkers at the bar next door at 7 pm.

Bo and his GF are both already at our house, so they decide to leave early to give Ana and I more time to get ready. Ana and I decide to ride together, also.

I’m trying to help Ana pick her outfit, as well as my own. She eventually finishes, and notifies me she’s ready to leave whenever I am. I tell her that I’m wrapping up my lipstick, and finish about 5 minutes later.

We finally leave, but traffic is awful. She tells me that Bo texts her they’re going to put in their order, so I suggest her to text him her order so it can be ready by the time we get there. She says, “No,” because she hasn’t looked at the menu.

She says she hasn’t eaten all day, and wanted to eat there because she’s never been before, basically insinuating that she won’t get to anymore, then blames me and says, “I told you we should’ve left sooner.”

I look at her with shock on my face and say, “Are you *really* blaming this only on me?”, and then tell her, “I could’ve done my makeup in the car [if it was really a problem]”, to which she says, “Well I didn’t know that.”

I try to make conversation to change the subject and lighten the mood, but she won’t let it go. I get angry and decide to stop talking completely; the rest of the car ride is pure silence.

We finally make it to the restaurant and sit down at 6:40. She orders and eats, and everyone finishes.

We make it to the bar at 7:15. All of the coworkers that Bo invited are dudes. Ana knows them from previously working there, but still seemed like the odd one out with being a bit shy, as well as not working there anymore. Her and I are also the only girls there at this point (Bo’s GF couldn’t make it). So, she follows me around literally *everywhere* and won’t sit next or talk to anyone else. I continue to avoid her as I don’t want to talk to her, to which she finally tries to talk to other people.

Later, Ana and some of the others are gathered at a vending machine. She’s browsing, and I show interest to my coworker in buying something, too. Ana freaks out and tells me, “F*ck off, [my name].”

Ana loves to work out. She had been dying to go to a specific gym, but a multi-year contract is required. However, I found an alternative through my health insurance, so I added her and she’s been paying me for the fee since last year.

It’s been 2 weeks since that night we stopped talking, and we’ve only spoken once, when she said, “Hey,” after I came home from work one day.

Other than that, not once has she tried to talk to me about it. I feel I’ve done no wrong here, and I don’t want to let her continue to benefit from me when she seems to have no problem treating me the way she has. So, I ask:

Would I be wrong for me to remove my roommate from my gym membership for being wrongfully blamed?

EDIT: I gave her the silent treatment because I already tried to cool the situation over while we were still in the car, but she wouldn’t let it go that it was my fault for making us late. Yet she suddenly wanted to try to talk to me like nothing had happened and cling on to me once she felt socially uncomfortable around everyone at the bar.

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