EDIT: Wow. I just checked back into this post, and I’m overwhelmed by all the kindness and advice from you all – thank you so much. It will take me a little time to go through the comments today/tomorrow, but I wanted to write here and just express my gratitude to you all first!

Hey.. throwaway account for this one. I’m just pretty freaked out and feeling like a real idiot. I KNOW all the logic about being sanitary, but my bored and horny brain didn’t listen last night.

I don’t own any sex toys, (planning on getting one,) but last night I used a thick glass foundation (makeup) bottle. It wasn’t that big, but it was rectangular. (I also tried a plastic sanitizer bottle first but it was too thin. So basically I used two unsanitised bottles.)

Honestly… not a pleasant experience at all. It didn’t break or anything, but now I’m in pain, with a bit of internal burning. I’m presuming any infection wouldn’t have set in that fast (less than 12 hours ago)? I’m hoping I’ve just irritated/bruised things, and it will settle down? I’m less worried about the glass and more about the label that was on the bottle. Could bacteria be hiding on there? Ugh sorry.. rambling.. just scared.

100% know I’m an idiot. Just could use some reassurance that I’m not likely to actually die from doing something so stupid please, and maybe the worst ill get is a yeast infection?


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