Me (23M) and my girlfriend (21F) have been together for two and a half years now. Our relationship is great and we usually talk about everything. My girlfriend always had a thing with my past, she doesn’t like some girls that I dated and some stuff like that. I usually avoid talking about my past “relationships” or dates around her because of this, not that I keep secrets, if she ask me something I always answer her and tell her the truth.

Today she came to me asking about what I had with a girl from high school, to which I replied “We hook up twice, she wanted something serious and I did not, that’s about it”. She started crying saying she went through my phone when I was sleeping and saw texts from 2018 (I usually don’t delete text messages) with friends of mine saying things “I had a great time with that girl last night” or things like that.

My first reaction was to talk to her about how my past is only a past and nothing of that matters anymore. But once she stopped crying and I went on with my day I felt really bad. I’ve never done anything to break her trust, I work from home, I study from home and my friends and I like to game a lot, so I usually only go out with her or to the gym. I don’t know what to do because, I never hid anything from her and always talked through everything, but now she chooses to go “behind my back” and ask me about something that happened 6 years ago.

My feeling right now is that, I’m not entitled to a past and even if I wanted I can’t change what happened.

TLDR: Girlfriend from almost 3 years checked 6 years old texts with a friend talking about other girl and is now mad.

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