I guessed it’s also called tetrapack (since it’s an actually tetrahedron and not a box with a lid)

Thanks in advance!

  1. I just call them cartons, I wouldn’t specifically refer to something as a tetrapack unless I was trying to distinguish it from a different kind of carton.

  2. It’s English, but I’ll be damned if I understood any of what you just said…

  3. Not really a well-known name for them but they exist. Tetrahedron isn’t a word most Americans would remember from their high school geometry class unfortunately. Tetrapak the company is known here to those in the packaging industries but we have our own domestic competitors as well. Almost all plastics packaging companies offer tetrahedron packaging but they aren’t very common. I only know if it because my customers bulk ship items that sometimes utilize this packaging method.

  4. “Tetrapak” seems to be a brand, not a specific type of packaging.

    Can you maybe show us a photo of what you’re referring to?

  5. I see tetrapacks (I had no idea that was the term for them and had to look it up) usually in the shelf-stable section of stores. Some non-dairly milks like soy or oat might be packaged in them.

    Sunkist is a carbonated soda and would come in aluminum cans or plastic bottles, not tetrapacks.

    Can these tetrapacks even handle carbonated stuff?

  6. Carton for anything paper based.

    Tetra pack if you know the word, but carton works just fine.

    Sunkist Orange juice comes in cartons, so does milk.

  7. We usually just call them cartons. I don’t know that most people would even know what “tetrapack” means. I’m a weirdo and actually do often refer to them as tetrapacks, but if I’m talking to someone who has no idea what the hell that means, I just say carton. There are a number of products that come in them here, like broths and some drinks or drink concentrates, although most people have probably never even taken note of the fact that the packaging style originated from a specific company.

  8. If you mean what I think you mean: Carton or box, though that kind of packaging isn’t nearly as common here. Mostly juice and dairy.

  9. I bought milk in tetrapacks when I was single because I was tired of milk going bad before I would use it all. Do they do exist in the US, just not as common or well known.

  10. In the context of a single serving of juice or juice like drink, it would be a “juice box.” Kids drink them, mostly.

    In any other context it would be “carton.” Like a carton of milk, carton of almond milk, carton of coconut water.

  11. Alright so you’re throwing a lot of big words at me, and since I dont understand them, I’m gonna take em as disrespect. Watch your mouth

  12. They’re just cartons or juice boxes. We don’t use the genericized trademark.

  13. Tetra Paks appears to be a food packaging company focused on making packaging from recycled materials. Is that what you are asking about?

  14. Is it a 4-pack? Tetra means 4 right? That’s my best guess? I know who loves orange soda though!

  15. We still call them “tetrapacks,” more commonly juice boxes, though over here they tend to look more like [rectangular boxes.](https://www.oceanspray.com/en/Foodservice/Foodservice-Products/125mL-Tetra-Juice-Boxes) I remember living in another country where the “tetrapacks” were essentially the same (plastic lined cardboard containers), but were literally [triangle-shaped tetrahedrons.](https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Tetrahedral_Milk_Carton_Arrangement.jpg)

  16. They exist. The tetra pak branding is also on products in similar material but non-tetrahedral packaging.

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