Me (20F) matched with this guy (20M) from hinge. We vibe really well and met twice so far.. First meet up was shopping and eating and second meet up just chill at a park, both meetups we got caught in the rain😂😂

There are wholesome convos and moments but he has shown me many red flags.

1. It’s been a few weeks since he and his ex have broken up
2. He have done hookups before (he said he wasn’t fond of it) but still it is a dealbreaker for me. And also he messed with a prostitute before for me that is a MAJOR dealbreaker.

We have been texting alot recently and getting closer. Part of me wants to fix him and make him a better man (he has issues), but other part of me thinks this will go nowhere and it will just be messy. Ghost? Or tell him straight that I am no longer interested in pursuing whatever this is.

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