So basically I’ve been dating this guy for a while now. The relationship is so positive and I’m so happy when I’m with him. He’s kind and hilarious and gorgeous and talented. Unfortunately, he just left at the beginning of February to study in Australia. I’m a senior and I’ll be graduating in May from a college on the east coast of the US so we are VERY far away from each other. I’m not sure where I’ll end up after graduating yet. There’s a chance I could end up far away from where we go to college. He’s only a junior so he’ll have another year here after he gets back from Australia.

When we first started seeing each other, I knew that he was going to be studying abroad so we initially said that this would be a short but sweet relationship. He made it pretty clear that he didn’t want anything while he was studying abroad. However, in the last month or two before he left, we clearly developed much more intense feelings for each other. I definitely fell hard and realized that I don’t want things to just end flat out. I spoke to some of his close friends as well and they made it sound like he’s still hesitant about long distance but also that he developed strong feelings for me. He would make comments about things such as “when you visit me we need to do this” or “when I get back have to try this!” Yet at the same time,he still seems so hesitant about a long distance relationship.

I realized I don’t want to lose him so I really want to try long distance but I’m worried that he does not but I still have no clue really. He said he wants to FaceTime often while abroad because he loves talking to me but he hasn’t mentioned anything about our relationship after he gets back. What if I end up on the west coast? I feel like at that point there’s no reason to pursue a relationship if we’ll be apart for so long. I know I just need to ask him about it bluntly (the typical “what are we” conversation) but I wanted advice first. Does this sound like something worth pursuing or should I get over my feelings and move on because we have no plans together.

TLDR: My boyfriend is abroad and I’m graduating soon so I don’t know when I’ll see him next. I want to pursue a long-distance relationship but I’m worried that he does not. Is it possible to be long distance for that long?

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