what are the benefits of having a standard 9-5 job?

  1. Routine and steady income. Don’t have to think too hard about the job, like clock in do your shift and then leave. I want to get back to doing what I trained to do but for the mean time a 9-5 is fine.

  2. You have set hours, so you can schedule things around that. Weekends off. Steady paycheck.

  3. Routine, my last 9 – 5 didn’t require me to cover shifts, always the same days off.

    However, I left my 9-5 for a retail position recently, and I’ve never been happier to get out of the office.

  4. Set routines – You don’t have to worry about being called in unexpectedly, and you also know the hours you work, having comfort in when you can leave.

    Also, pay – It’s very steady and reliable.

  5. Free time, steady work/steady pay, insurance, retirement benefits, regular schedule, generally weekends off or at least consistent days off, time available aligns with many other people’s time or services/store hours

    I’ve made my living as a consultant, living grant to grant, as an independent contractor, and in regular full-time positions with consistent hours, pay, and benefits. While each type of job has had benefits, having a regular 8ish-5ish job reduces the amount of work/home life friction in a way that makes it preferable to me.

  6. Like everyone else says: reliable hours, pay, and benefits (medical, 401k, etc).

  7. you get to have weekends. most of your friends are at work when you are, so y’all get to hang out after work. you get to keep a nice sleep schedule.

  8. Routine. It’s very reliable, every day the same times. I don’t have to prepare for the fact today I might be starting at 9am, tomorrow 1pm, the day after 5pm.

  9. It’s “guaranteed” money. You have to work for it, it’s not easy, but if you keep doing this you know each month you can calculate an amount of money. In my side wanna be hustle selling clothes, I don’t know when I’ll make a sale. Also even if it’s guaranteed money, I think it’s a privilege to be able to hold a job and be employable. Because it’s not easy for people, we have racist/fatshaming, transphobic, ableist, neurotypical people judging from the cover. So If I happen tp have a job at the moment, it’s due to lots of lack and privilege.

  10. Weekends off. No rotating your sleep patterns for shift work. No guessing your schedule or waiting for a schedule to be posted from your boss.

  11. I always have my evenings and weekends.

    I know my schedule and can plan accordingly.

    It’s not crazy late when I get home. I have enough time to wind down so I don’t dream about work.

  12. Not doing nightshift. Being able to celebrate holidays with family and friends. Being able to plan ahead. Easier to attend regular social activities. Easier to plan healthy lifestyle eg food, exercise.

  13. Reliability. Weekends. Most people work those types of hours, so a social life.

  14. Fixed shifts, weekends off, also if you don’t have commitments in the evening (eg. sports, hobbies, kids) 5pm finishes aren’t too bad. My bro and cousin (22 and 23M) finish at 5pm and we can get dinner and hang until later in the evening. My other cousin (27F) works 11:30am-8pm in a pharmacy, hardly any time to hang after work unless it’s a Friday.

  15. I get paid the exact same amount of money every month and it’s easier to plan things with a consistent income. I personally have a ton of PTO as well (at least by US standards, I suspect it’s just “average” in other places).

    Also because many people work 9-5 or similar, also working a 9-5 means we’re on a similar schedule. One big issue I had when I was working shift work was that I would miss loved ones events etc because I had to work on Saturday or whatever-obviously some of this can be mitigated with PTO but not all of it.

  16. Benefits, weekends off, most likely holidays off too. You actually know when you’ll clock off, unlike hourly work.

  17. Routine. Safe, steady stream of money. It gets easier and pass faster as time goes. Forced you to do something that day instead of yourself die slowly in the bedhsheets. always some hope of a better future.

    The best advantage : “Wait a minute, I’m working with idiots, to give profit to an idiot, doing something I don’t like… maybe I should (fill in the blank)”

    Now let me show you the list of the disadvantages… damn it rolled past the mailbox

  18. Set routine & weekends off. I also work from home which makes me even more lucky in my eyes.

    I’ve been there and done that with shift work and I found it really stressful so, I couldn’t do weird detail shifts again. Also done a few weeks of night shift when I was in retail and that was a major struggle – literally made me depressed. Gave me zero enjoyment

  19. You get a social life!!! I miss those old days!

    On the other hand, maybe the pay isn’t so great, especially in my industry.

    I used to have that and I miss it now. Now I can’t imagine a 9-6 life.

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