I’m 27m throughout all of last year I’ve met about 30 people. 1/3 of them I’ve invited out three to two times after the first meetup, the other 10 I invited them out once after the first meetup, and the remaining 10 I never invited out. I’m not including the people I’ve met where it obviously didn’t go well. A lot of them claim too have a good time, and the majority of them asked for my instagram. But they never invite me anywhere. Both guys and girls. For girls, I was told that they don’t really initiate because of gender roles. Is this true that I should just continually ask female friends to hang out with me and don’t think anything of it if they don’t invite me out? And I have no clue why male friends aren’t inviting me out. Its like I carry this sign that says no effort is needed on their part when it comes to making plans. And it honestly hurts. All the people that I’ve met last year haven’t reached out to me this year. Any ideas or suggestions would be great. Thanks

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