Recently his 3 teenage daughters moved iin with him permanently.

We do not live together but I stay at his house on weekends.

I live on my own and I do a lot of online shopping, especially at sephora.

I gave his daughters a perfume each that I bought but never really wore but now he’s telling me that they would really appreciate it if I would actually take them shopping at shephora. Which I probably would do but were still getting to know eachother (me and his girls) and I don’t want then to pretend to like me just because I buy them things.

They’ve also almost finished all my creams, perfume and lip products that I left at his place and he told me that’s his fault because he told them they can use my stuff. Which is fine but why didn’t he ask me first…I would have said yes. The fact that he made that decision without asking is what’s making me mad.

I’ve also noticed that I’ve been paying everytime we go out, he uses to offer to pay but now it’s like he just expects me to do it…

Lastly, last night his youngest daughter decided to take a bath and she used the entire bottle of shower gel (600ml) that I left there…and his response was he’s sorry but it’s just a shower gel I can get a new one…shouldn’t he at least offer to replace it for me

How would this make you guys feel? I’m not sure if I’m the one that being unreasonable

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