I am having such a hard time dating. Ill start with im a 15 year old dude turning 16 in summer. (I’m straight) I have zero experience with girls and have never kissed a girl either even though all my friends have and I am not considered ugly. I am relatively popular in a very large friend group and I really just can’t understand why I can’t seem to get girls. Honestly it frustrates me a lot.

Now my ideas of why.

Honestly I am a little scared to talk to girls and am shy around them.
Maybe it’s just I don’t have enough connections because I have gone to 2 very small schools in my life. This means I only went to school with about 60 different girls.

And additionally some younger girls (like 1-2.5 years younger) are obviously into me but I wouldn’t do anything with anyone more than 6-8 months older or younger. Obviously I won’t be like this later in life.

And I know a lot of girls like dudes that can afford to buy anything and I am very fortunate to have wealthy parents but still nothing.

Maybe I am just too picky? Someone help.

(I live in nyc so the culture is slightly different than mid America)

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