My bestfriend (22f) and I (24f) went out to a rave over the weekend, to get to the point we both had fun at the beginning but as the crowd kept getting bigger, it started to get hot, crowded and we begun to feel a little overwhelmed.

Let’s call her “Becky”

Becky got a Snapchat from a friend of hers so she told me that her friend saw that on the maps she’s in town (she’s from out of town) and wanted to pick her up, she asked if I could come with and he said yes and that there’s an after party at his place. I asked Becky if he’s trustworthy, she said yes and I thought if my bestfriend whom I trust, can trust this guy than he should be a decent person so ill trust him as well (man was I wrong about both). I agree to go to the after party on the promise of a free ride home (Uber would have been 90$) and McDonalds. He picks us up with two other guys, one of them gets out from the passenger seat and Becky takes his place. I am now squished in between two men that don’t know what “ I have a boyfriend leave me alone” means, and I just get multiple comments that all have the same tone of “he’s not here he won’t know” or he would ignore all and proceed to try and touch me multiple times, I start pulling my phone own talking about the trip my boyfriend and I took to a tropical island for a month and while showing them pictures I express how much I love my boyfriend and how sweet he is and that unfortunately for them they have picked the wrong girl cuz I am very loyal and very much in love. They seem to have got the point after as it was all friendly after (thank god) this whole time the two were talking to me I wasn’t paying attention to Becky and her friend (I’ll call him Dan, I have no idea how old he is but I would guess a few years older than me maybe 28?) they were talking that whole time.

We pulled up to a liquor store and when we headed inside they were able to finally “properly” greet each other as before we just had to jump in their car. I am picking my liquor of choice for the night and In the corner of my eye I see them hug and then what looked and SOUNDED like a kiss. I thought maybe I’m wrong as the idea of that and her being a slimy human being has never crossed my mind (it really do be one of your own hey) we get our stuff and she wants a smoke so we go back to the car, it’s just her and I and she proceeds to tell me “ Dan is so crazy, he just made out with me at the the liquor store” so now I’m like sitting there with my jaw on the floor like “BECKY WHAT?!” She laughs and I am still with my jaw open “that’s not okay !!” And she says something along the lines of yeah I know he’s just crazy and he knows she has a boyfriend…OF 7 YEARS BRO. This is also when I realized what my job for the night is and it’s to be an under cover agent for her Boyfriend.

We leave and now fast forward we are at his apartment, they are lounging on the couch as if they are fully dating, his arms wrapped around her and the way they so naturally just sat down on the couch and immediately cozied up…like I’m thinking this is definitely not the first time you know ? I sit right next to her the whole time talking to everyone around us who are all guys btw, being more loud and obnoxious about how amazing both of OUR boyfriends are and how we go camping and this and that and mostly how amazing my boyfriend is to me to try and make it pretty fucking known that I’m at least not like my friend here and they shouldn’t expect me to be a cheater and that they have a chance because Becky is making it a little hard to show that we or at least I have morals.

Fast forward to his driving us home all the way up until then they’ve been handsy and she was doing the typical girl flirting of “omg no stop awww no don’t ahaha” while touching him and flipping her hair.

In the car she reaches over and grabs his hand so they are now holding hands……I took a picture… (for evidence yk?!?!) Becky holds his hand with the same hand that has all of the 3k worth of promise rings on from her boyfriend… like damn any morals ?! Any at all ?!? I am fuming in the back but also want McDonald’s and a ride home so I’m just sitting there glaring out the window trying to just stay calm until we get to my house. We finally do right away both of them are like “let’s just chill together for awhile” and this is where I blow up cuz I’ve just been holding it in “ I AM NOT STAYING AND “CHILLING” WITH NO ONE AND YOU SHOULD BE THINKING ABOUT YOUR FUCKING BOYFRIEND BECKY ” and I yell her boyfriends name, I get out of the car and slam the door shut.

She returns almost 2 hours later….

To me that’s suspicious AF, especially after I told her to think of her boyfriend and she still didn’t come into senses and left that car immediately been like holy fuck she right or something of that effect. She also wasn’t responding to my texts….

In the morning I tell her how mad it all made me and how unfair it is for her boyfriend and that I feel like I’ve been dragged into this to hold a dirty secret which I will not do. She laughs it off and just disregards it as maybe a joke and to me that was another red flag like dude aren’t you at least feeling guilty ?! Or sorry ?! Or something like that ?! Not saying it would make it better but laughing certainly makes it worse….

Her boyfriend is truly a good guy she came home that day to a giant teddy bear with flowers for Valentine’s Day…. And he’s also just a good friend to me and my boyfriend, however he’s the perfect victim as he has no social media and none of us have his phone number as we always do the planning through Becky…

What should I do ? They also live out of town….I also don’t know for sure if they did something in that 2 hour window when I went home, however for me personally holding hands and especially kissing is considered cheating…I don’t care to lose her as a friend tbh even tho that we’ve been friends for over 10 years,(I don’t want a friend that lacks emotional maturity and morals, if she’s selfish now what stops her from being selfish to me or anyone else around her in the future?) however I do care about the friendship me, my boyfriend and her boyfriend have. As I said before he is a great friend not just to me but to my boyfriend. That is also partly why I want him to know because he deserves better, and I just can’t stand cheaters. I’m worried that he won’t believe me (hence why I took a picture) but I do think he deserves to know and it’s his decision to do whatever he please with that information.

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