if you say “no” she will think you are lying since she will probably ask about a woman who is obviously hotter, if you say “yes” she will be upset so how to deal with it

I think you should respond with a cheesy answer like “you are like flowers in a garden, you are all pretty but you are the one I want”

  1. “Yeah, she’s pretty hot.”

    But that’s the kind of relationship we have. Might not go over well with other people.

  2. It’s a loaded question no matter the answer you are damned from the beginning.

  3. Sure, respond with a cheesy answer

    But this shouldn’t be a common occurrence. My partner shouldn’t be so insecure that she needs silly validations like this

  4. “I do not think she is prettier than you, honey. You are beautiful”

    End of conversation. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  5. “Well, She’s definitely prettier than me.”

    But my wife’s never asked me so who knows what I’d really say.

  6. Is who prettier than you? Who? Who? Just keep doing that until she bitches that you sound like an owl. No matter what DO NOT ANSWER, it’s a trap.

  7. Either “She’s just a different kind of pretty.” or “Come to think of it, I want a divorce.”

  8. Answer honestly. If she gets upset, I tell her not no ask questions she doesn’t want the answer to.

    Fuck shit tests.

  9. I would reply with… ‘she has some very attractive qualities, yes, but … what makes you ask? Everything ok with you? What’s up?’

    tl;dr: I see this question as a perfect opportunity to give your wife a compliment – or ask her about herself.

    This will kinda half answer her question without completely bailing out on an answer she doesn’t ‘want’ to hear and shifts the focus on her feelings about herself, and maybe her insecurities??

    I put ‘want’ in quotes for a reason… sometimes (even though it’s the shallow response) you just have to tell someone what they ‘want’ to hear, and not what they ‘need’ to here. I’m a fan of telling people what they ‘need’ to hear, but I also spot a trap when asked Q like this – and not put my self in ‘dead bedroom’ territory for another month! 😉

  10. I actually said to my girl “she’s pretty but it doesn’t matter. You’re the one I want and that’s all that matters.”

    It actually worked out pretty well for me

  11. “Not playing this game”, everyone has insecurities and if your partner want to talk about them like an adult that’s great, but these shitty little games with no right answer where the truth makes you the “bad guy” are not something you should accept.

  12. “I chose you for a reason- you make me happy. I dgaf about any pyt that ain’t you.”

  13. Hell sweetie you would probably fuck her if she let ya. Now get over yourself because she not fucking either one of us.

  14. “She a ugly ass hoe”

    Jk the real answer is, “Who? Oh that woman? Didn’t even notice her. She has weird cheek bones. You’re sexy.”

    You’ll get a beej after that.

  15. Why would she even ask that? Is she that insecure about herself?

    My SO is well aware that there are a lot of beautiful woman in the world, many are more in the line of “my type” than my SO is. Still I choose to be with her and that is all the reassurance she needs. It’s not like I’m going to ditch her every time I see a hot chick, that’s not how most men roll.

  16. She is the most beautiful girl in the world in my humble opinion and I simply tell her so. Never heard any complains.

  17. ”Are you asking if she’s pretty or if she’s prettier than you?” and go from there.

  18. This would be easy for me. When I’m in love no woman is prettier for me than my girlfriend/wife. This is not supposed to be cheesy it’s just how it is

  19. Honey, there are billions of pretty or sexy women out there, only one has captured my eyes, my heart, my desires, and my love. Like who do you think that I would have gotten down on my knees for and ask them to marry me???

  20. Gotta walk around like you’re blind, my friend. Focus on everything BUT the obvious

  21. there is a right answer guys. (f here) “who? i didn’t even notice anyone” LoL

  22. Depends on the person, I have had this question with multiple gfs and had a good answer each time.

    I call it empathetic diplomatic honesty, but it might be more accurate to describe as benevolent manipulation.

    Use your empathy and insight to determine the state of mind she wishes to achieve with the question, and then use the conversation to manipulate her with your words and emotional cues to achieve that state of mind. The words you happen to utter as the answer part of the conversation will be the right answer.

  23. Look at her like “wtf is this bs again?”, roll your eyes, shake your head, and don’t say a word.

    If she gets angry , say calmly “NO, this argument won’t happen, period.”

  24. The answer is always “Yes”. If she has a problem with that then you say “Then stop asking stupid questions that you don’t want the answer to.”

    Don’t play her stupid games on her terms.

  25. For me, it’s “yes but I love you way more than her” or “yea but you’re pretty too”

    The key is “yea but” and then flip it into a reassuring compliment.

  26. Give her a hug, kiss her on top of her head and say you only have eyes for her.

  27. The proper response is no. I’ve been telling my wife she’s beautiful, a few times a day, for almost 28 years. She has always been so. Women may equal her beauty, but there is no one that is more beautiful than my wife. And I tell her so regularly. Never stop.

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