My girlfriend and I have been dating for about five years now. I’m absolutely in love with her and I’ve been thinking about asking her to marry me. The problem is her friend she’s known since they were both in diapers. He’s been living across the country since before we started dating, but they’ve kept in close contact the whole time, and he’s moving back to town. At first I was just as excited as my girlfriend because she’s told me stories about him and shared some of their text conversations she thought were funny and he seemed like a great guy and I wanted to meet him. However, I find him completely insufferable. There’s nothing WRONG with him, he’s not mean or anything, we just don’t mesh and I think he’s annoying. Since that first meeting I’ve managed to avoid hanging out with him, but he and my girlfriend are inseparable, like platonic soul mates levels, and I know that if I want to keep her in my life, I’m eventually gonna have to take him, too. What do I do? I don’t want to hate the guy because I know that it would upset my girlfriend if she found out. I don’t think she would be mad at me for not liking him, but I also don’t want to force her to pick between spending time with me and spending time with him. Do I just suck it up and pretend to like him for her sake? Is there a way for me to force myself to actually like him? Please help

TL;DR I need to learn how to like my girlfriend’s best friend or I’m gonna hurt everyone’s feelings.

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