Whenever I see someone, the first thing that comes to mind is which grade they are in and what I can ask about studies from them. Then comes the question: which grade are you in? Or what job are you doing? If they are unemployed, I start talking about their education; if they are doing a job, I start to ask about their profession; if they are in a higher grade, I ask them about which topics from my class are important for them; and if they are in the same or a smaller class, I just start talking about studies and share some mind bending questions that you won’t find in text book, expecting to get some back too. But many people don’t like it, mostly the people who underperform and are in a smaller grade than me. The most of the smarter ones, enjoy it very much, and we talk about study and school for a long time. But how can I approach the people who don’t like to talk about studies? How do I get information about them without asking for their profession and grade? How can I talk with them?

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