Hi I (19M) am a student-athlete in college my freshman year. I ve never considered myself attractive, but rn I would say I am in my best shape. I have never had any problem with girls. Ive had only one girl approach me before, and when I have approached girls it happens rarely but I’ve done it and usually works. Also Im international so i have an accent which helps most the time.

So i met this girl in my English class, i liked her on the first glance but i never pay attention to girls like that so i thought i should talk with her since the college is in a small town. So the next lecture comes a week later and i was abt to talk with her but she comes up to me and gives me her number and asks if i have a gf and said i should text her. I was surprised, we had a lil convo the next 10 mins until she left. She came off as innocent and feminine and I thought we might be smth rather than the usual one night.

I texted her the same day before dinner and we talked consistently the next 10 mins until she went to her night class around 7pm. She texts me a couple times while shes in class but we stopped texting after, which is like 8:30. The next day she texts me goodmorning and acts like nun happened, but actually I found out that my teammate who had a class at the same time met her and gave him a ride to the dorms – which was cool. Then I asked him abt it and he said they were talking abt weed and the plugs around the town so she invited him to smoke together in her house – meaning they had sex.

I was hyping him up ofc but was kinda hurt too. Shes all sweet w me and texts me good morning and sounds innocent, but fucked a guy she met 10 mins ago? And the thing is he is my teammate not a random guy. I couldn’t care less if it was just a random guy, but its my friend and she knew it too cuz he had the logo of our school with “basketball” under.

Before I was 100% sure they had sex, I asked her to go out cuz texting ain’t my thing and she was flaking, coming with sum reasons which I usually say “its cool” and ask her when is she free. After I found they 100% were having sex and she was still texting me like nun happened, it seemed like she was using me for attention. I stopped responding and she still texted me after that saying
“U unfollowed me? Uninterested anymore?” then next day “No reason? u don’t have to lie” and all of these while shes coming to the dorms- WHERE I LIVE TOO to pick him up and go to hers.

So my question is,

did i do the right thing or should i have just been w her once since that’s all she wants apparently?

am i wrong to assume she wanted just the attention?

i been wanting to text her back to see what she will say but idk if its worth it – should i text her?

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