With vday coming up, my anxious self is worried that my husband will get me roses. Like he’s done many bdays and vdays. We’ve been together for 18 years, married 15, and 10 years ago I told him that I appreciate the gesture but I don’t like roses. I’m a gardener and love flowers, so I expressed I preferred potted plants that last longer or lilies with their wonderful smell. But, I continue to get roses when he does get me a gift. And when I brought it up again it caused a fight and accusations of me being ungrateful and sensitive. I saw how much money was wasted on the roses, so I genuinely didn’t understand if he forgot, was joking or what.

I know, I know, many will say, “just tell him what you want!” But it’s like that scene from The Breakup, I don’t want to have to tell him again. I don’t think it’s too much to ask for my husband to remember what I like.

Last, this is a theme. When he asked what I wanted for this past Xmas, I said I wanted a gift card to Rubial’s (super fancy plant store, like I said, I’m a gardener). He said, “that’s boring and you’ll probably buy stuff from there anyway.” Long story short, I got perfume and shoes that I already had, but in a different color.

***TL;DR;*** Can I be mad at husband for getting roses for vday when I’ve told him 10x that I don’t like roses?

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