I have to be pretty drunk to be able to sleep with my boyfriend. We are both in college. I have anxiety and I love him. I just have to be inebriated to do the act. My bf is always more sober but if we are in a party setting he has drank as well.

I have tried to have sex without drinking, I was too uncomfortable. I wasn’t in physical pain, I just felt on edge and I couldn’t get any joy out of what I was experiencing like I did when I was drinking. I remember shaking a lot and feeling awkward. My bf said he noticed this too. I would reflexively push him away/kick him even if I wanted to have sex.

My bf and I both think this is just a preference, but I also feel like this is just sad. Is this normal sex?

I need to have some drinks to have sex with my bf. Otherwise I can’t enjoy it. Is having to drink to have sex with your SO of 3 years indicative of a problem?

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