30F 32F 8 year relationship

Tl;dr: I moved for work, ldr, wife never visits and I always visit, bailed last minute on v-day and is now asking me to visit

Relevant backstory:
1) I took a job with a 50% pay increase in another city
2) My wife, though not thrilled at the idea of having to relocate, originally planned to move with me. She was unemployed at the time and studying, so we found her another program to continue studies in the new city.
3) After a month she could no longer tolerate being away from her parents and siblings and moved back
4) I stayed and continued working. I’m on year 2 at this company and plan to stay until year 5 to get my pension/resume bullet point and move back with my wife.
5) I visit my wife approximately once per month.
6) My wife got a job in her hometown and has Tuesdays and Wednesdays off. It is a customer service position and she can’t work from home.

Wife told me several weeks ago she would be visiting for Valentine’s day. She also said she’d come in December but got sick at the last minute, and in January but there were no flights available (she has standby privileges). Today, my wife told me that they are firing people at her job and she doesn’t want to come because she doesn’t want to lose her job. She is also just now telling me she will be working overtime on Monday. Granted, she wouldn’t be taking a day off to visit me. Keep in mind she is already off Tueday and Wednesday of this week.

Of course, she is now asking me to come and work from home the days I am visiting her. In principle I could do this, but I’m angry and hurt at her actions and don’t want to, to be frank.

What do I do? My heart is broken.

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