Kind of a hyper specific question here and honestly not sure where to post this so I am gonna try here. I have a guitar amp from someone I used to speak to in high school. We were in a band together but have since parted ways. It has been many years since then and he has never asked for it back. The amp itself is a very cheap amp I’m not even sure if it works. I feel as if I should at least tell him I have it but I really don’t want to speak to the dude (he knows I have it as well). I made an active effort to move past the people I knew in highschool and would rather just keep moving forward. I don’t even want the amp I kind of just want to give it away. Is it wrong to not give it back? I mean he clearly doesn’t care about it. I doubt he wants to speak to me either. But I’m not sure. Has anyone else been in a situation like this? Should I just hold onto till I’m old and grey? Opinions,advice,your own experience would be greatly appreciated.

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